Links and Credits

This web set was created by one of my favorite graphic artists Irene.

She lives in Brazil and I'm sure she's stopped making them by now.

I really miss all the site rings, web site fights, and all around fun this hobby had.

Yahoo kind of ruined things when they bought out the Web Rings, It fizzled out

Around 2000, and stopped being done all together. I'm hoping I can bring all this back With my Website!

This page will be dedicated to all the Graphic Artists I can still find lingering around so hopefully

This hobby can be revived! Thank you Irene for your super cute graphics!

Please check back soon I will have those links up soon!


Listed below are some of my all time favorite Links to Country Web Graphics,

along with giving credit to them for letting me use their codes and graphics!

Some of my Fav's are Full Moon Graphics, Irene's, And so many more! They are below!

Most of them are not doing it anymore, but what live links I can find I will

Post. I really do miss this hobby, hope it comes back again.

Lissa has an awesome page for kids trying to learn html coding and some cool cursor effects! Check her out!

As I find more, I will update! Thank you to all of them for their amazing talent!
























Font used for this page:


Disable Right Click Code Courtesy of:

Dynamic Drive


 This set was created on January 10, 2006.
All material in this site is copyrighted and may not be reproduced, altered, copied, redistributed or resold in any way.
©Knightdreamz 2022